The following letter should be self-explanatory;
Halbert's 3687 Ira Road P O Box 5000 Bath, OH 44210 3 February 1999
Dear Halbert's;
I represent the Storrer family WORLDWIDE. I am in receipt of your latest mailing regarding the American family Storrer.
Storrer's take their family name quite seriously. We are a worldwide family, not limited to America, with a legal coat-of-arms usable by our family only. There are Storrers in Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, England, Canada, South Africa, Australia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uraguay who are known to our central registry. Your claim of 149 Storrers, 122 in the United States alone, is laughabale, for we have 287 German/Swiss families alone, and 187 in the United States, and many others in the nations listed.
We take it as an insult to mis-represent our family. Your "No direct genealogical connection to your family or to your ancestry is implied or intended" does not satisfy us, and I doubt that the federal Postmaster General will think it so.
Several world governments limit the dissemination of information on families, even when from public sources such as online telephone directories, and allow us, in their name, to instigate law suits where the privacy of their citizens is violated. As your listing of Storrers falls so significantly short of the actual numbers in the U S and/or the world, perhaps you have not violated the laws of these nations. On the other hand, the Storrer web site will necessarily carry a notice to Storrers that anyone who purchases your publication is, by your own statement, unlikely to find anything that is not in our documents, which currently links 6684 Storrers and their relatives, and carries information on nearly 3000 others in the process of being linked.
This is hardly the first time that you have been warned by us against misuse of the federal mails to distribute materials purporting to offer the Storrer family specific benefits. We suggest that any orders that you may receive have their checks returned uncashed and that you stop all efforts to sell your "A Celebration of American Storrers."
Sincerely yours,
William Allin Storrer