STORRER family worldwide news

We need your news! Please send us your photos!

This web page updated 18 August 2006

Madelyn Ryan Storrer born on March 24th 2006 to the parents of Josh and Lindsay Storrer. Grandparents are Phil and Karla Storrer. Aunties are Chrissy and Emily Storrer.

Here are photos of a wedding in Brazil, the Storrer family of Parana, Curitiba.

Contact is Uriel at <>

Anyone who can read and write Protuguese, please be in touch.

Helen Storrer Beebe, artist, died at the age of 85 in 2005. Wilma Storrer Aeschliman of Virgil, KS, is 90. Who else of us has reached 90 and is still going?

Joshua Storrer and his bride, Lindsay. Josh is the son of Philip P. Storrer of WA, grandson of Ernest J. Storrer Sr.

Yorkie Girl, namely Johanna Stohrer-Houman, has been across the pond and visited another Stohrer. The Stohrer chocolatiers are in Paris; go to storregenealogy.html and look at the bottom of the page for a view of the fine chocolates they offer, and their address if you are headed that way.

Hans Heiner (Johann Heinrich) and Liselotte Storrer of Greifensee, Switzerland, announce the following;

To their daughter Bettina Diop (born Storrer) and Ibrahima Diop, Sabel Clara Diop, born 23 December 2003.

To their son Stephan Storrer and Sabrina (born Hocevar), Talitha Lilith Storrer, born 12 May 2004 (sister of Naima Jill Storrer)


Owen Daniel Mercer was born on 28 January 2002, in Pasadena, CA.

Hans (Johann Heinrich) and Liselotte Storrer announce their first grandchild, Naima Jill Storrer, born 11 July 2002 to Stephan Christian Storrer (born 20 Feb 1969) and Sabrina (Hocevar, b. 30 Oct 1968).This brings us to 8650 entries in the Storrer family tree.

Richard Armen Kassabian, husband of Bencha Khemumnaj, father of Marvin Lincoln, son of Richard Kassabian and Mary Jane Storrer and brother of Mary Ann Kassabian, died 2 July 2002. Please click here for a memorial to the life of this wonderful friend.

Bradley Ray Storrer, son of Margaret Ann Pitts and Fredrick Ray Storrer, resident of Alta Loma, California, died 3 September 2001. Bradley, brother of this webmaster, studied with Frank Lloyd Wright and followed a career in architecture. To honor his life, we present the following images of some of his domestic work in Michigan.

Any architect will usually admit that it is hard to make a living designing houses for individual families, but that is where Frank Lloyd Wright found his goal of creating a Democratic American Architecture. Bradley followed this goal faithfully for many years. Economic considerations brought him to work for Goldberg Associates in Chicago, then move on to Columbia, South Carolina, Meridian, Mississippi, and finally to Alta Loma, California.




Amerman entry, Dailey entry, Dunworth back yard, Dunworth rear, Zorn kitchen









Adams and Clark interiors, Bradley's home, Dailey


Clark, Zorn



Adams, living room Bradley Storrer's own home, Amerman, Gordon







Carmen M Storrer, daughter of Dovie M Logston and Conrad E Storrer, died in Emporia, Lyon County, 22 February 2002. A longtime resident of Eureka, she was a bookkeeper and teller for 33 years at the Home Bank until she retired in 1979.


Family albums are nice; send us yours!

Aurélie Storrer, born 13 May 1999

Philippe Storrer and family; wife Claudine and daughter Aurélie, in Belgium

Dad, Mom, Joey

Jim Storrer and family

Olivier Storrer and Françoise in Belgium has sent us this marvelous photo of their sons; Xavier (1990), Laurent (1996) and Lionel (1991). Laurent was born the same days as Nino Storrer, son of Christoph Storrer, from Schaffhausen.

Please, Storrers, send us this kind of photo and information to share!

Reuben Storrer celebrated his 89th birthday in Gridley, Kansas, at the annual August Storrer reunion, 1999.

Ernest J Storrer of Kirkland, WA, sent this while I was in Germany in 1999.

Michael Sean Storrer born in Post Falls, Idaho, on 13 March 1999. The father is Ernest J Jr, and the grandfather, deceased, is Ernest J Sr. Great grandfather is George J Storrer, who was born in Heilbronn, Baden, Germany. His father was John J Storrer, b. 1852, whose father was Sebastian of Siblingen, b.1823. On the distaff side, we have Jane M Taylor, Anna Ruth Bell, Marie Lina Horsch, Caroline Louise Mathilde Friedrich and Margaretha Ziegler. The middle J in the male line is Jacob, for the father of the Siblingen Storrer was Hans Jacob Storrer b. 1778. The naming of first- and second-born male children is a way we check the accuracy of lineage, and similarly with the naming of girl children to check the wife's lineage.

Melchior, b. 1586, had four sons, the third of which was named Melchior, b. 1635, who had seven sons. His penultimate son was Jacob, b. 1679, which places that name in the lineage. It was Johannes, b. 1681, however, who passed that name on to the current family, via his third-named son, Melchior, b. 1715. This Melchior's second-named son was Sebastian, b. 1753, and his first-born was Hans Jacob, b. 1778, who, of course, named his first-born son Sebastian mentioned above. Sebastian's next-born was given the name of Jacob.

After all this, we have it straight from 1586 to now.

Justin Martin Storrer was born 2 March '99 to Jeffery Harold Storrer and Jackie Gray. Grandparents Harold Martin & Mildred Storrer of Pennsylvania Storrers reported

Died; John Fredrick Storrer, son of Robert LeRoy and Lillian (Waite) Storrer, age 67. Survived by Lois Neimann, four children and seven grandchildren.

Send us your news of family events via email to mailto:; if you do not receive an acknowledgement within ten days, phone or fax us at 231/352-9343. Snail mail may be sent to P O Box 1121, Frankfort, MI, 49635, USA.

PARAGUAY! While we still await detailed information to complete the linking of Storrers in Brazil to our European family (the connection to Brazil is definite, but we need intermediary families to the current generation), we have discovered that Stuttgart Storrers have family in Paraguay. More in a future issue.

This and related pages copyright © MMVI W A Storrer

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